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originally designed 2011-06-27
You are probably quite correct in your assumption - this sort of pump was originally designed to deliver fuel for gasoline systems at low pressure, say 3-5 PSI, which was all carburettor float valve a
Canadian Electrical Code guidelines 2011-06-24
I agree with waross, it's probably large current imbalances between the 3 legs. Did you get the 210-220A off just one leg? And then perhaps put the power monitor on a different leg? There are power
vent and minimum flow 2011-06-23
i see a pumps used in ammonia storage (LPS) have a both vent line and minimum flow line. Vent line back to storage where the suction line came, but minimum flow line return to the storage top!What is
Silly question re closed loop 2011-06-09
If I connect a pump discharge to the suction, fill it will water and seal then turn on the pump does the pressure in the pipe rise or does the temperature just go up.If the pressure rises due to the p
Waukesha Universal vs Discflo Pump 2011-06-08
Does anyone have the knowledge to make a good comparison of these two pumping Technologies?I am considering using a Waukesha Universal pump or a Discflo pump for the following application:I know this
Online Source for Equivalent Lengths of Pipe Fittings 2011-06-07
Does anyone know a good source on the web for accurate equivalent lengths of pipe fittings. I have searched & located several sites, but they all seem to vary significantly & especially compared to sa
Impeller Trim 2011-06-03
This seems like a rather basic topic, but I could not find where it has been addressed on these forms.Question:When pumps are operated on electric motors, the motors never operate at synchronous speed
self priming centrifugal pump limitations 2011-06-02
I am trying to decide if I can accept a vendor proposal to use a self priming centrifugal pump instead of a vane pump. The application is for diesel unloading from trucks. Gravity draining is not an o