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A control scheme that changes displacement 2011-08-29
Since, a control scheme that changes displacement is really just changing the clearance (since the cylinder, and piston are fairly rigid), you are decreasing the effeciency (i.e., increasing the ener
Thwarted hopes of small businessmen 2011-08-26
Bernard Weisberger: Onward Wisconsin How strange and wondrous it must be to gaze from some celestial perch and see history -- your history -- being relived. From their great Progressive Precinct i
ANSI/ASME standards 2011-08-25
Ansys, FSI, piezoelectric micro-pump example I am using Ansys 12.1 and trying to repeat the Ansys example on MFX (coupled-field analysis guide 4.5, piezoelectric actuated micro-pump). I have followed
An optimum H-Q BEP 2011-08-24
An optimum H-Q BEP should be sought at a mid-point of conditions. The duty point will shift back and forth along the curve as conditions change. The NPSHa is usually stable in a Water Treatment Plan
Pump power calculation 2011-08-23
Pump power calculation I have the following situation:3 coolingwaterpumps, 3 different coolingwater users with gascoolers, coolingwaterpressure reading, coolingwaterflowreading.Can I use the formula a
Found out the hard way to leave the hatch open 2011-08-22
Hey guys and or gals, I had thought of using steam but the air was more easily available. May do it yet if I can talk my boss around to putting in the connections. The original idea came from the PM S
Some booster pump 2011-08-16
I realize that I may be a bit behind the times, but I thought I would add a little to this thread.NPSHr + 10% or 2-ft, whichever is greater, is the absolute minimum gap between NPSHr and NPSHa when us
NPSH margin and ANSI/HI 9.6.1 2011-08-15
NPSH margin and ANSI/HI 9.6.1 I have been asked to investigate what NPSH margin should be applied to power plant boiler feed pumps. I have discovered that ANSI/HI 9.6.1 addressed this particular matt
Shanghai MeiYan Yi Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
MeiYan Yi magnetic pump Contact MeiYan Yi
Shanghai Enine Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
Enine magnetic pump Contact Enine
Shanghai Saitai Pump & Valve CO., Lid.
Saitai magnetic pump Contact Saitai
Shanghai Fengqi Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
FengQi magnetic pump Contact FengQi